Tuesday, November 22, 2011

How the bible goes against Faith Healing, Prosperity and Self-Esteem gospels

An interesting sermon I saw on Dr. Jack Van Impe's Thanksgiving telecast regarding on Faith Healing, prosperity, and self-esteem gospels. He goes on saying while quoting from the editor of Fire and Bones Magazine about genuine anointing, and he is sick those things along with those sideshow circus gospels. I quite respect and agree with Jack. Dr. Jack Van Impe wants to be a servent and disciple of Christ and does not want anything to do with money.

He does seem to come clean about his profitability of his DVDs, audio tapes, and books. So he doesn't care about what money he makes, all he wants is to preach the gospel of Jesus. I think he's taking the right direction and going on the hard and narrow path of life.

Matthew 7:21-23 clearly states that not many will say unto Jesus "Lord, Lord" without doing the will of the Father. When Judgement Day comes, they will say unto Him, "Lord. Lord? Have we cast demons, heal sickness, and prophesied in your name?" and Jesus will say them "I never knew you. Depart from me, you worker of Iniquity."

How can Jesus say that? Well in the Chapter 10 of Matthew, Jesus warns that we should not abuse our spiritual gifts for material gain.

The following list of false teachers

- Benny Hinn
- Joyce Meyer
- Steve Munsey
- Paula White
- Joel Osteen
- Peter Popoff
- Oral Roberts

and the list goes on and on. Jack says that they have multi-million dollar homes and I agree with him that "One cannot serve two masters". All the scriptures in the New Testament goes against those kind of things. What about tithing in the Old Testament? It was called "bartering", it was back before the Jews had their own currency which is called the Shekel.

I wonder, does God allow suffering and death? Of course, but it doesn't mean that we aren't forbidden to pray for healing, Jesus "Ask and it be given unto you". We are chastised by God, or fixed. Every time we sin, we all fall down. We have to learn the fact the we have to suffer regarding of AIDS, cancer, and all of those terminally illness. There is however, nothing wrong to pray for healing.

The bible gives a clear word that death is rewarding and that persecution is coming to America, we will all have to be persecuted and martyred for our belief in Christ Jesus.

God bless.

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