Wednesday, June 17, 2015

Do not Rebuke the Mockers when Supreme Court rules on same sex

Those who remain in Christ and obey his word will have to suffer in the name of Christ and not to condone or conform to the sins of humanity. Tomorrow the Supreme Court could soon rule on same sex marriage.

Mockers will one day say:

"Christians were never persecuted in the first century"

Furthermore, we must not accept or rebuke people who say that "Jesus was gay."

But we are to pray for them and bless them for persecuting or even be put to death. But we must let them believe those things that aren't true. Do not let your heart be saddened and force you to depart from Him that give life eternal.

Revelation 2:10 " faithful even unto the point of death and I will give you a crown of life."

Jesus was mocked, beaten, and put to death. We as brothers in Christ must follow the example. Do not complain to unbelievers and even the LGBT that you're being persecuted because you'll be mocked. Jesus never complained to Pilate or King Herod. He remain silent no matter how the Pharisees and the Jews mocked him.

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