Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Bereavement of my father

I am sadly to say I have lost a father in the house.

Disclaimer: For privacy reasons concerning between me and my family, I cannot release my father's name. Please be civil and respect me and my family as we are trying to recover from our loss.

My father came back around 2:30pm yesterday. He felt like he couldn't breathe as he try to get in his bed. I was in my bedroom until I heard a thud and something else fell. I came until I saw him lying on the floor. Called 911 and paramedics arrived to get him breathing and responsive. I went to the hospital with my brother, mother and niece. When the paramedics arrive, things turn for the worse in the end. It was little they could do to revive him.

The Lord has finally called him home and no longer suffering.

My father medical history was that he had heart surgery 2 years ago and he sometimes come home from work cutting grass and picking up litter complaining of his breathing problems. He also had kidney problems and I noticed he was coughing blood in the bathroom.  My brother had to take him to the VA hospital every time he had breathing problems.

My father was a Vietnam veteran served 4 years and toured the country for 2 hours. He was in our lives and a good member to the church.

1 in 100 are more likely to die from heart disease and other heart related complications. That is why I'm encouraging you to donate to the American Heart Association, a nonprofit organization preventing and promoting awareness of heart related conditions.

And now a word of comfort from John 14:1:

"Let not your heart be troubled: ye believe in God, also believe in Me."

God Bless

1 comment:

  1. Seria bueno que exponga cuáles son las falsas enseñanzas, en especial si cree que el Autor de BiBLE Thrue. El finado. Sr. L. Ray Smith estuvo errado....Pero debe hacerlo con argumentos y citas bíblicas. Pero para eso deberá leer todos los articulos que en el sitio están....y son muchos....Le tocaría toda una vida poder refutarlos........
