Monday, June 18, 2012

L. Ray smith is dead confirmed by Bible-Truths forum

L.(Larry) Ray Smith, false teacher of Ultimate Reconciliation, had died on May 24th after his battle of cancer and most of all he died in his sins along with his false teaching of UR, and denial of the existence of Hell and the trinity. I can't say it but the Lake of Fire isn't going to purify poor L. Ray. There's is no fire baptism for sinners. While Hades is the temporal torment for him, The Lake of Fire is going to be endless shame and separation from God, the Christ Jesus.

Forgive me, I judge his teachings not his outward appearance. Most of all, the bible condemns us all as dirty rotten Hell deserving sinners. While it's really great that the blood Jesus saves all men, the cross requires men not only repent but to believe in the Lord Jesus Christ.

I pray for his wife Manuela and his children, not only for their survival, but their salvation and the removal of the blindness of Ultimate Reconciliation. I also to pray to God that He remove the blindness of UR from L. Ray's disciples and let me bring His lost sheep back to Him.

He claimed he repented but he lived a lie. We all claim that we repented but we are still in our sins. Repentance means not only you got to stop sinning and turn away from sin, but not to turn back and keep on sinning. Look what happened to Smyrna, they fall away from their first love and I don't mean their wives or fiances, I mean Jesus. God corrects us (chasten) through His Word. Ephesus, Pergamos, TaSardis and Laodicea all backslided, fell away, and became lukewarm. The only churches that were faithful was Philadelphia and Smyrna. We all claim that we repented by accepting Christ into our hearts, but we lack one thing, we didn't mean it. Confessing your sins means that we must humble ourselves and exalt our old habits.That's a promise to God. You break it, God will still remember your sins. I don't want to hear "I don't like you teaching Lordship Salvation" and this "Once Saved, Always Saved" because that doctrine is lie from the devil. Name a few who believed in Eternal Security, because they all backslide and fall away. Just ask Dan Corner of Evangelical Outreach.

Salvation requires more than repentance. Confession of sins (1 John 1:9), Confession of Faith, and Baptism (Acts 2:38), and remaining faithful until death (Revelation 2:10). Ultimate Reconcilation doesn't meet the requirements.

Why Ephesus?  Something's troubling for Paul and Jesus is telling John to write to that church that if they don't turn back He will remove that candlestick (symbolically letting the Romans to destroy that church, I don't know).

We'll I didn't expect that coming for Larry Ray Smith so I will lay that Lukewarm award near his grave.

L. Ray Smith gets the Lukewarm Award for his dangerous teaching of Ultimate Reconciliation.


  1. Well Josh we can all see by your comments how empty of God you are you just couldn't handle the roofer could ya ?

    1. Aren't you implying that Preacher L. Ray Smith is still alive? If he is, he's still doing the work of the serpent's "Ye shall not surely die" as in "God will not judge, torment, or destroy you"

    2. Josh refuses to accept the good news of the true gospel.

    3. Eternal conscious torment is the ultimate blasphemy against our loving God and Jesus Christ, the savior of ALL! How many "alls" does it take for these false teachers to acknowledge that God will save ALL through our Lord Jesus Christ?

    4. "God was in Christ reconciling the (oh sorry - SOME of the) WORLD unto Himself, NOT COUNTING THEIR SINS against them." If this is what the Scripture says (and the Scripture cannot be broken) then according to orthodox teaching, God and Jesus Christ FAILED in the mission for which God sent His son Jesus Christ, that mission being the reconciliation of the world. How sad. . . .

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. (fixed some spelling and had to repost)


    Your entire post reeks to the high heavens of a profound religious pious hatred toward Ray and his strong and sincere belief the God will actually save sinners and all of them exactly as scripture teaches that He desires, He Wills it, and that His will SHALL come to pass! I know this quality of accomplishment sort of God is difficult for you to accept as it probably gives you a deep religious pleasure to cosign the majority of God's creation to eternal torture (you may not admit or see this clearly, but search your can you even STAND the thought?!?!)but isn't it so you can say "I told you so!!" and puff yourself up?

    Ray understood it differently from scripture and I'm thankful God saw fit to bring the true Gospel to Ray, a simple roofer, the true GOOD NEWS that so many are blinded toward and saw fit to have him bring it to others out there under bondage of false doctrines so widely perpetuated by "the church".

    I pray God opens your eyes and forgives you the blasphemy of defaming God's very design and intention in the Bible (which WILL utterly come to pass, regardless of your desire to limit and cripple God's design), and also His admonishment to us to love our own enemies and do good to them (so that He can torture his own for all eternity? Cmon!) so basically you believe in a hypocritical God that does worse to us then any human can ever dream of doing, regardless of how depraved they are. Something Satan himself would at least concede as being a GOOD conclusion when it all seriously need to meditate on this PASTOR. You need to really take this to heart and ask yourself who is sitting on the throne of the organized church, spreading these terrible heresies against God and his true gospel.

    God open your stubborn eyes and remove these stone idols from your heart!

    Also Ray taught the full process of salvation, not just repetance, but I doubt you read more than a paragraph or two before jumping to conclusions, but he understood that it's ALL OF GOD, repentance, confession, salvation, ALL OF IT, not of your own carnal will.

    Even if God doesn't see fit to open your eyes in this life, i look forward to reconciliation with you and all those teaching such a weak and helpless God, one that tortures most of His creation, at the end of judgement, which IS its purpose, to refine, to prune, to make right, as God in His infinite wisdom, infinite love, and infinite justice shall surely do this.


    - Brett

    1. Sorry, but one scriptural verse refutes Ultimate Reconciliation:

      Acts 10:34 "God is no respecter of persons."

      While God desires all the world to be saved, only a few will be saved.

      You are contradicting the word of God and implying that God is a softy and doesn't judge His own Creation. If the words "Judge not" applied to God Himself, then He would be judging Himself as you implied. I don't judge people by appearances but judge righteously. God's judgment is righteous and true. On Judgment Day, you're going to find out that L. Ray Smith is lying to you because that doctrine is the lie of the Devil. And Second, meditation comes from Buddha which is a practice of demonic worship. I do not have stone idols in my heart, but your heart is still full of the wooden idol of lies from UR, believing that we can continue living in sin and still be saved.

      UR is not what the preaching of the cross teaches.

    2. And furthermore when it all ends the conclusion is not a going to be a good one for you, The lies of Ultimate Reconciliation from L. ray smith and Gary Amirault teaching that we can all continue sinning and still be saved in the end is similar to Calvin's Eternal Security except that all sinners are saved without the need of repentance or believing in the Lord Jesus Christ and remaining faithful is pure broad road to destruction. On Judgment Day, It will be too late for you to repent because the fire in Revelation is not purification but just darkness and loneliness that continues endlessly in a timeless eternity. If Eternity is not timeless, then there are things that must be true to support UR:

      - God's Kingdom passes away.

      - The Resurrection is temporary. We all die after that.

      - Incorruptible bodies are temporary. Becomes corruptible later on.

      - Immortal bodies are temporary. Again we eventually die.

      - Angels and Satan are not immortal. They all die.

      - God is not immortal, nor incorruptible or wise.

      How can we live endlessly in a timeless realm if life in a not-so timeless realm is not endless?

    3. Your whole post is sincerely lacking in scriptural understanding. You state , "we can all continue sinning and still be saved in the end".
      This is not what it teaches at all.
      If you yourself read more than just a few lines, or at least read it all with an open mind seeking as for hidden treasure to maybe get a glimps of the mystery you would see what a lie it is you state. Nowhere in all of Rays writing is it implied that you can continue sinning and get away with it scott free and be saved.
      Those who view it this way have little to no understanding of the scriptures or Jesus Christ and the full plan of redemption.
      I find it impossible to understand how detractors such as yourself figure, if the judgement and punishment is not ETERNAL than it is ineffective. The facts remains that there is still judgement but it is temporal and remedial not sadistic and monstrously evil such as your theology.
      Your doctrine of eternal suffering is equal to Slandering a good father by spreading lies that he beats and kills his children because they never heard him or didnt do what he told them to because they didnt understand what he was saying. Pretty sick how you lower the character attributes of your Father to the depths of evil sinful men. You should be ashamed.

      You state, "all sinners are saved without the need of repentance or believing in the Lord Jesus Christ"
      according to Ray.

      Again you either lie or misunderstand due to not reading it with an open mind.

      The scriptures teach that all enemies will be subdued just as the elect of God have been subdued. It teaches that "EVERY knee will bow, and EVERY tonge WILL CONFESS" once they are subdued in the next age. "It is not given for them to know the mystery of the kingdom". It is given to the elect to know in this age. "You fool, that which you sow is not quickened, except it die,"

      You see every expression of death in the scriptures as an evil thing when death in the scriptures is but life, a metamorphosis to a new life. "Deliver such an one to satan for the destruction of the FLESH". Every form of death is but another step towards immortality through correction by death to self, death to the flesh, death to carnality. Die and Live.

      You say "God's Kingdom passes away"
      No, he does not state that He quotes the scriptures. Something you should try reading in order to understand and compare. Jesus Gives up his Kingdom at the consummation of the ages when all his work is completed.

      Te rest of your comments lack and need for a comment since they reveal you inability to comprehend simple statements backed by scriptural reference.

      Remember this... In all of acripture we are never promised eternity. We are promised immortality, Deathlessness. You have to eliminate the words eternal, everlasting, forever and ever from your mind when trying to understand scripture. The scriptures only deal with the ages (aion aion Gk, Eon Eng) (aionios Gk eonian Eng).

      After the aions, eons, Eonian work of God, all we know according to scripture is that God will be ALL IN ALL. There is not mention of what will be after that. If God was teaching us about eternal things where is all the information when the time of the eons os over? Everything spoken in the scriptures deals with the ages. Cmon. Cant you see it?

      I hope you take a serious look at some other writings and theologies. Look up Thomas allin -Christ triumphant. Its 140 years old roughly. Its very exhaustive. It will clearly turn the light on for you. But only if you open your eyes and give it at least a list sincerely.


      You need to stop right now and put you head to the ground and ask God to open your eyes. RIght now you have this biased look at everything you see. You cannot see if because you have christian theology blinding you to what the scriptures really teach.

    4. This comment has been removed by the author.

    5. Your whole post is sincerely lacking in scriptural understanding. You state , "we can all continue sinning and still be saved in the end".

      I never stated that. Universal salvation teaches that everyone can continue sinning and still be saved in the end.

      You stated "The scriptures teach that all enemies will be subdued just as the elect of God have been subdued."

      You are re-crucifying Jesus and teaching the heresy of irresistible grace.

      "It teaches that "EVERY knee will bow, and EVERY tonge WILL CONFESS" once they are subdued in the next age."

      You're re-crucifying Jesus, again. Salvation is today, not the next age. Everyone will confess that Jesus is Lord, but it will be too late. Jesus will say unto those in Matthew 7:23 "I never knew you, depart from me you worker of iniquity."

      "It is not given for them to know the mystery of the kingdom".
      It is given to the elect to know in this age.

      I will be posting "The Believer's Guide to Conditional Reconciliation."

      "You fool, that which you sow is not quickened, except it die,"

      I think you are the one who is the fool.

      You stated "You need to stop right now and put you head to the ground and ask God to open your eyes. RIght now you have this biased look at everything you see. You cannot see if because you have christian theology blinding you to what the scriptures really teach."

      My eyes are already open and the teaching of universal salvation is not God's word, but the word of the flesh.

    6. You're seeing it from a carnal finite viewpoint (not to mention completely unscriptural), while God's love is infinite. The key scripture not mentioned by most in the universal reconciliation camp is this: Or what man of you, would give your son a stone if he asked for bread, would give him a stone? Or what man of your would give your son a serpent, if he asked for a fish? If you then, being EVIL know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more will your Father in heaven give good gifts to those that ask?" Jesus is here directly contrasting the evil of the (carnal) man to the greatness of God. No parent of even minimal love for their children would even think of KILLING their child, yet YOU accused God of torturing His CHILDREN for all eternity. Your teaching is carnal and satanic. I pray that you will be converted to the truth, which will set you free.

      You interpret the bible literally, when, even the most cursory study of the scriptures reveals that Jesus taught exclusively in parables. Your teaching is a damnable heresy, which Paul warned us would infiltrate the church.

      I pray for your conversion to the truth

  4. Wow, Pastor Shin Chan needs some serious help! just what is going on in your little brain to write something so childish/groundless and cruel?....if you even had the decency to read through one of Ray's papers in it's entirety then you would realise just how far off base you have my pity

    1. I read his articles. How can we live endlessly if aionios is not endless? Will God continuously resurrect us if we die many times? None of His articles make no sense and He is Antisemitic like Gary Amirault (who is a Full Preterist). I do not need your pity.

      Ultimate Reconcilation teaches that everyone can continue on living in sin or committing more sins and still be saved in the end. Which is a lie from the Devil. Sin is infinite and it has infinite consequences.

      God is no respecter of persons.

    2. And furthermore you have God's pity. Universalism is not based on the Fear of God, but the lie of Satan.

    3. Nope, God's word DOES NOT teach that we will continue sinning. The lake of fire, so widely misinterpreted as eternal torture in literal fire, CLEANSES ALL of sin. Sin and DEATH will be cast into the lake of fire, not the whole person!

      I can testify that in my own walk with Christ, that I am MUCH MORE repentant, my prayer life has improved, my faith has improved BECAUSE my eyes were opened to the Truth of ultimate reconciliation! When I believed in hell, I sinned MUCH MORE! The truth did indeed set me free. How many "alls" do you need in the scriptures to convince you that all really does mean all?
      Praise and glory forever to our Lord Jesus Christ, the savior of ALL!

    4. Nope, God's word DOES NOT teach that we will continue sinning. The lake of fire, so widely misinterpreted as eternal torture in literal fire, CLEANSES ALL of sin. Sin and DEATH will be cast into the lake of fire, not the whole person!

      I can testify that in my own walk with Christ, that I am MUCH MORE repentant, my prayer life has improved, my faith has improved BECAUSE my eyes were opened to the Truth of ultimate reconciliation! When I believed in hell, I sinned MUCH MORE! The truth did indeed set me free. How many "alls" do you need in the scriptures to convince you that all really does mean all?
      Praise and glory forever to our Lord Jesus Christ, the savior of ALL!

  5. I,ve been reading LR's teachings on the subject of URfor many years. He never taught that we should continue sinning after repentance! So please do not judge so harshly lest the same be done to you! Patrick

    1. First of all, L. Ray smith implies that all will be saved thus for him giving sinners a "free pass" in this life as much as he wished.

    2. Throwing the blood of Jesus for the remission of sins out the window.

    3. You can believe in L. Ray smith's teaching all you want. But I will say this that L. Ray Smith is NOT YOUR SAVIOR. You're replacing Christianity with Smithism, the worship of L. Ray Smith. There I said it.

    4. Hi Josh Taylor,
      You have nothing but hatred on L. Ray Smith. He even said in one of his articles, to stop sinning if you love God. You have no respect on him, even when he passed away. I just pray that one day God will open up your blind and judgmental mind after all what you said against him.

  6. Trully L Ray Smith was a man of God, directed by Heavenly Fathers Holy Spirit in all that he taught,and those teaching will continue in the comments of the many shared here.
    Universal Salvation and Reconciliation is Gods ultimate expression of Love to a lost and destitue world. God bless those who have come to this knowledge. Mr Taylor you sound like a fright child, God loves you inspite of your ignorants and we do to.

    1. You need to learn how to spell correctly. L. Ray smith was never a man of God to begin with, Satan is giving L. ray smith a pat on the back for leading the sheep down the wide gate to destruction.

      Universal salvation is a license to sin. It is not the narrow gate, it is the wide gate.

    2. He was NEVER a man of God. Anything that discredits the work Jesus accomplished on the cross, is not worth my time. His doctrine is straight from the pit of Hell. 'Do what thy wilt, shall be the whole of the law'(Do what you like, you will end up in heaven anyway?) The worst thing is that people that follow his teachings WANT to believe there is no penalty for rejecting Jesus and Salvation! I feel very sorry for him wherever he is now, probably asking for a chance to make things right and save the countless souls he is leading to hell!!

    3. Yvonne, you said....."the work Jesus accomplished on the cross,".....what work did he accomplish[complete] if not reconciliation? hint; jn.10:10 rom.5:8-10 1 tim. 2:3,4 and did not our lord come to do[work, accomplish] the will of the father, god? hint; isa. 55:11 now that understood, the lord being not a "respecter of persons", ultimate reconciliation just might be what the lord's will is all about. you think? also you said....."I feel very sorry for him wherever he is now, probably asking for a chance to make things right and save the countless souls he is leading to hell!!" impossible! he's dead not alive somewhere. souls are in the grave, dead. ezk. 18:4,20 ps. 31:17; 115:17; 146:4 eccl. 9:5 let us consider rom. 6:23 and remember gen. 1:26 then ask yourself and the lord. how did god accomplish creating mankind in his image and likeness? if his word returned to him void.?? the profoundmonkey 2 tim. 2:15,16; 3:16,17

    4. Yvonne, I guess we will all find out the truth someday.

  7. And you call yourself a pastor? What a crock!

    Proverbs 1:22 How long, ye simple ones (Hebrew: 'silly, seducible, foolish, naive') will ye love simplicity (Hebrew: 'silliness, seductiveness, foolishness, naivete')? And the scorners delight in their scorning, and fools HATE KNOWLEDGE?
    Jere. 50:6 My people have been lost sheep: THEIR SHEPHERDS HAVE CAUSED THEM TO GO ASTRAY...

    1. L. Ray smith is dead, universal salvation is a license to sin.

      Universal salvation = Wide gate (The Easy Way) to destruction.

      "Enter in at the narrow gate: for wide is the gate, and broad is the way, that leads to destruction, and many there be who go in there:" - Matthew 7:13 (King James 2000)

    2. Furthermore Jeremiah 50:6 was referring to the Old Testament Israel, they were following other old religions, Moloch and Baal.

      And Mr. Smith called himself a evangelist. Funny. I just read in his Lake of Fire series that Evangelism is a man made doctrine of the carnal mind. Why was he still preaching? Why shouldn't he bother preaching the gospel? If you believe in Universal Salvation don't bother preaching, just keep sinning to please God, but God won't be pleased.

    3. I will comment through Josh Taylers post of illogical unscriptural statments here.
      "I read his articles. How can we live endlessly if aionios is not endless?"

      Answer: We live endlessly because we are promised immortallity (Deathlessness) How is that so hard to understand? If we have deathlessness we shall never die right? It has nothing to do with aionios.

      "Will God continuously resurrect us if we die many times?"

      Answer: It is appointed for man to die ONCE, and then the judgement. Men dies in the flesh only ONCE, Then the judgement. The judgement is not another death but a correction, a medicine, remedial. To purify like fine gold until the subject is healed, made alive, saved.
      "1Co 3:15 If any man's work shall be burned, he shall suffer loss: BUT HE HIMSELF SHALL BE SAVED; yet so as by FIRE."
      "None of His articles make no sense and He is Antisemitic like Gary Amirault (who is a Full Preterist). I do not need your pity."

      None of his articals make sense to you because you have these Christian theologies opposing everything you read because you have this false doctrine of eternal suffering imbedded there. There are 2 things that must be freed from your thinking before you can find the light.

      1: The scriptures are not speaking on eternity. They are speaking only of the aions (Ages). This is purposed due to the redeptive plan of God through Jesus Christ within these ages. Other than giving us that final hope of immortality, we know only that God will be ALL in ALL, Not ALL in SOME.
      2: No free will. We all have a will but it is not free to thwart the purposes of God Almighty. His plan and purpose are that every man be saved. He sent his word to accomplish that goal. If you think that Gods will is not above all wills, than you deny the scriptures and you make the strength and will of God well below the will of man. So what is it? Do you believe that you have a will that can and will change or be some sort of obstacle to the will of God? Think about that seriously for a moment. You answer defines what kind of God you worship.

      "Ultimate Reconcilation teaches that everyone can continue on living in sin or committing more sins and still be saved in the end. Which is a lie from the Devil. Sin is infinite and it has infinite consequences."

      Answer: How can sin and the consequenses of it be infinite? Where in all of Gods word have you read such a thing? Sin and death are destroyed by God through Jesus Christ on the cross. In the end sin and death are swallowed up in victory.
      "1Co 15:55 O death, where is thy sting? O grave, where is thy victory?
      1Co 15:56 The sting of death is sin; and the strength of sin is the law.
      1Co 15:57 But thanks be to God, which giveth us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ.

      If Jesus SUBDUES all things, do you assume he destroys the whole person? Jesus subdues all. Every knee SHALL bow and every tonge WILL confess that Jesus is Lord. Just as you desire to seek God out and CONFESS that Jesus is lord, these sinners will also CONFESS that Jesus is Lord. This is through the Judgement that these are saved. It is through the judgement that death is destroyed by opening the eyes of the blind. All of the lost make up the prodigal son. Are you as the jealous brother"

      "Luk 15:29 And he answering said to his father, Lo, these many years do I serve thee, neither transgressed I at any time thy commandment: and yet thou never gavest me a kid, that I might make merry with my friends:
      Luk 15:30 But as soon as this thy son was come, which hath devoured thy living with harlots, thou hast killed for him the fatted calf.
      Luk 15:31 And he said unto him, Son, thou art ever with me, and all that I have is thine.
      Luk 15:32 It was meet that we should make merry, and be glad: for this thy brother was dead, and is alive again; and was lost, and is found."

      Read that parable in its entirety and imagine just how much of this parable is hidden from you.

  8. Well what more can i say many are called but few are chosen and the chosen are judged now these He will call up when He returns and the rest will be called at the great white throne judgment so Josh Taylor like the rest of us with like minds pray that God will give you eyes to see ears to hear and a heart to understand well i have a web site that i would like you to look at and answer 11 questions these are on my site these questions were given to me in a dream and to take to the world may He grant you His Spirit Hira Tua

  9. You say that Universal Salvation is the easy way, the wide gate?! Brother, I assure you when I first came across this truth it was not easy.

    My love for the safe teachings of tradition caused me to say " I'm going to believe in hell JUST IN CASE it is real, I'm going to believe in hell because I sure as hell don't ever want to go there"

    then I experienced the conviction. Me believing in hell just because it was easier too was not glorifying God, it was idolizing heaven. I tell you something, it is not easy, I have had to go right back to the start, constant bible study, hours of praying asking God not to guide me down false paths. It is not easy when my fellow Christians condemn me, some say I am going to hell myself for believing such a thing!Doctrine does not save, JESUS SAVES.

    The grace and love of God keeps me going, I hunger for him in a way I never thought was possible, he IS my strength. Everything I do that is right and true, that is for him, his Glory. May we all do the same!

    1. "You say that Universal Salvation is the easy way, the wide gate?! Brother, I assure you when I first came across this truth it was not easy."

      Universalism Salvation is not God's easy way, it is Satan's easy way. Look in Genesis where serpent says "Ye shall not surely die." that can mean many other things that Satan could say "God is not going to torture you", or "God's loves you. He's going to let you keep on sinning while He sits on His throne do nothing."

      The serpent's lie "Ye shall not surely die." applies to Universal Salvation.

      God loves us by the obedience of His Word. Not everyone will obey His Word, just as Israelites disobeyed His Commandments. God's love is conditional, His judgments are righteous

    2. If I am not mistaken, "Ye shall not surely die" was meant from eating from the tree of knowledge of good and evil? God said they would die and Satan said they wouldn't. They ate the apple, but didn't die. Did God lie? The death wasn't physical, but spiritual. Everything we do is spiritual. What redeeming purpose does Hell serve. If we are like his children then our punishment should be about correcting behavior, not perpetual punishment. I could go on and one, but I am not long winded.

    3. If I am not mistaken, "Ye shall not surely die" was meant from eating from the tree of knowledge of good and evil? God said they would die and Satan said they wouldn't. They ate the apple, but didn't die. Did God lie?

      How can there be Universal Salvation when God says "Ye shall surely die"? Those words from God wasn't just for Adam and Eve but for all men.

      If we don't obey what God says we will die in our sins. What you are doing is making God say "Ye shall not surely die" and the serpent saying "Ye shall surely die." You are believe in the same serpent's lie. "Ye are of your father, the devil" John 8:44.

      Adam and Eve disobeyed what God commanded them not to. The same thing will happen to us if we don't obey just as The Old Testament Israel did not obey God's law. It is Salvation by obedience, or Lordship Salvation. There is no Universal Salvation or Pantelism.

    4. So basically josh, What you are saying is that we are saved by works. Obedience is under that umbrella. Salvation is by GRACE ONLY.
      It is after judgemnt that we become obedient. "judgement must first begin at the house of God". SO this Judgement you speak of must apply to the Judgement on the house of god as well. Even Paul asked "who shall deliver my from this body of death?".

      It is the body that first must be shed, along with its carnal nature.

      1Co 3:14 "If any man's work abide which he hath built thereupon, he shall receive a reward.

      The above verse refers to the church. Those Following in the feet of Christ. Seeking after God Zealously.

      1Co 3:15 If any man's work shall be burned, he shall suffer loss: but he himself shall be saved; yet so as by fire.

      The above verse refers to the prodigal son (Sinners with Christ. Those who have no works.
      You see, its not by works you are saved. It is by works that you recieve a reward and that reward is not immortality while all the sinners suffer in torment for all eternity. They simply suffer loos of reward but they person him/herself will be save by that very fire you and all of christendom say produces nothing but everlasting suffering.

      You place limits on God, You hinder His ability and excitement over having the prodigal sons/daughter come to him thorugh Christ. You limit the power of the cross and its effectiveness to save beyond the grave of which Christ has the Keys to. You Place the will of man over and above the will of God.
      I hope you can see your folly.


  10. Josh dude you really need to slow your role...because you don't agree with another on the Word of God doesn’t give you the right to be mean and ugly towards them. You have no heaven or hell to place anyone, let God do His job. There is some truth in all religious but you already knew that, no one is ABSOLUTE but God. Now I must say some of Ray’s writings were on point and some I didn't agree with but I will never bash him because I don't agree. My father was a pastor for over 40 years and I didn't agree with a lot of things he taught but that doesn’t mean he is going to hell because I feel as though he was wrong what he was teaching. OM! You call yourself a man of God? Your response is way out of line you can’t act like this and call yourself saved. You suppose to be an example to the world; people are looking at your action and judging you because your actions are so UNGODLY. Get a grip man and act like you have a little bit of sense. No one would want to listen to your revelation on the Word the way you are acting. You better watch your action and how you put your mouth on people less you fail into condemnation yourself.

    1. Have you read "Winning souls for Jesus" in L. Ray Smith's page. Look at this:

      "Shocking as it might sound to most, the Scriptures know nothing of "winning souls for Jesus." (AKA Evangelism) It is a man-made doctrine of the carnal mind."

      L. Ray Smith is a spiritual robber of God's Word. He implies that God doesn't need the Apostle or anyone to preach the good news to all mankind because He (God) is going to save everyone by literally chastening and dragging. Why would a loving God really want to literally do that?

      Most of all saying that Evangelism is a "man-made doctrine of the carnal mind." is spiritual robbery. The parable of talents proves the consequence of spiritual robbery of God's Word. The Parable has nothing to do with money including gambling, but in a figurative and spiritual sense. Preacher L. Ray Smith doesn't understand what the Parable of Talents means. The talents in the parable is the word of God. The master gives talents to 3 workers; the first with 5 talents, the second with 2, and the third with one. Now what happens is that other selfish worker buries the talents in the ground. When we bury or keep the Word of God, that is keeping it to ourselves, we are committing spiritual robbery, and in Matthew 25:30, we will be "cast into outer darkness where there will be weeping and gnashing of teeth." But whatever souls we save is contributed to God's storehouse, when our master, The Lord Jesus Christ returns, He will say in verse 23 "Well done, good and faithful servent! You have been faithful with a few things. I will put you in charge of many things. Enter into the joy of your master"

      Now about your father who was a pastor for 40 years, I think he's right How can you call yourself saved by believing Preacher Smith's false teaching and doing nothing? And why couldn't you bash your father because you don't agree with him? Is it because he'll disown you or turn his back on you or is it because you don't like the doctrine of the endless hellfire? I am sorry to hear about that, because your father would be praying for you and so would I.

      And as for these people looking at my actions and judging me, they can do that whenever they like to, because I'm taking my stand on true biblical Christianity and rejected yours and Preacher Smith's false doctrine of universal salvation and calling evangelism a "man-made doctrine of the carnal mind". Proverbs 11:30 proves that evangelism is about soul-winning. Universal Salvation is NOT true biblical Christianity. After reading your last sentence, I think it is you who need to watch your action because you are condemning yourself, not me. I am forgiving my attackers including you and I pray that you find God's truth from your father and myself. Universal salvation is the wide gate that leads to destruction.

    2. Pastor L.Ray's teachings ARE spot on! Universal salvation IS from the HEART of God. Universal salvation does not encourage people to continue to sin. Here Paul talks about this issue:
      1.Rom 5:19 For even as, through the disobedience of the ONE man(ADAM), the MANY(HUMANITY) were constituted sinners, THUS ALSO, through the obedience of the ONE(CHRIST JESUS), the MANY(HUMANITY) shall be constituted just."(EMPHASIS MINE).
      2.Rom 6:1 What, then, shall we declare? That we may be persisting in sin that grace should be increasing?
      Rom 6:2 May it not be coming to that! We,who died to sin,how shall we still be living in it?
      Rom 6:3 Or are you ignorant that whoever are baptized into Christ Jesus, are baptized into His death?
      The point here is the death of Christ Jesus is the baptism of WHOEVER, and WHOEVER is whoever Christ died for, as the scripture clearly states: John 1:29 The next day John saw Jesus coming toward him and said, "Look, the Lamb of God, who takes away the sin of the world(HUMANITY)!"
      Luk 2:10 And the messenger said to them, "Fear not, for lo! I am bringing you an evangel(GOOD NEWS) of great joy which will be for the ENTIRE PEOPLE(WHOLE OF HUMANITY)!
      Will God FAIL to bring the WHOLE sheep in the fold? NO!!!In fact He has already won through the death of Jesus Christ AND WE ARE NOW COMING INTO THE REALIZATION OF THAT TRUTH!!!
      1Tim 2:3 "for this is ideal and welcome in the sight of our Saviour, God,
      1Tim 2:4 Who WILLS that ALL MANKIND be SAVED and come into a realization of the truth."(ALL EMPHASIS MINE).To WILL something is more than desiring it.To WILL something is to actually make it happen, no matter what! Imagine if God Himself wills a thing!!!Did He not create everything just by His will?
      Even if there are 99% saved people, God WILL save the 1%, so that His word on saving ALL is true, AND VICE VERSA! And ofcourse God is going to judge everyone of His children, and punish those who deserve to be punished and corrected, just like you would judge and punish your wayward child,but not destroying him for eternity!
      Amen to the true Gospel!!

    3. Your comment is too long, so I will have to respond to it in another post.

    4. YOu cannot have a negative responce to it. The scriptures speak very clear on the subject. You can continure to deny the truth because for now it is not for you to understand. Your christian theology has placed blinders on your eyes whereby you cannot see the truth even when it is right in front of you clearly explained. I hope one day you see the hypocracy of the popular creed and honestly seek forward as for hidden treasure the truth of the kingdom of Christ and the complete redemptive plan of God throughout the ages.


  11. This comment has been removed by the author.

  12. Hi Josh, You sound very happy L Ray Smith is gone, well there is a rise of many L Ray Smiths out there. If you believe you are correct, good for you, We also believe that God opened our eyes through L Ray Smith. Now Chill, be cool. it shall all be revealed one day. for now go your way, we shall continue Gods way. May the peace of God be upon you. Have a good one.

    1. Maybe you should continue L. Ray Smith's way. Universal Salvation is not God's way. God has not opened your eyes. At the end of the Lord's parable, He shows that Hell is outer darkness where there is "weeping and gnashing of teeth". If you believe in Universal Salvation, you are calling Jesus a liar.

      Satan is giving L. Ray Smith a pat on the back for fooling his followers down the wide gate and broad way to destruction.

      Hell is not bound to the physical realm of time. If Hell is temporary, then so is Heaven, God would be bound to physical realm of time and His attributes would be limited. He would eventually die, quit reigning, become unwise, and He would no longer be righteous and no longer have glory.

      L. Ray Smith is now your Savior

      I will not be persuaded by this false doctrine. I am saved by the obedience of the Word of God, not the false doctrine of Universal Salvation.

      I'm not glad L. ray Smith is gone, but God knows that he is forsaking the literal and physical assembly which is church attendance. He is dead in His sins. Preacher Smith claimed that he repented, God knows him from the heart, he truly did not.

    2. "I am saved by the obedience of the Word of God"

      Does the scriptures not clearly state we are saved by the blood of the Lamb which was slain for the remission of SIN?

      You clearly do not understand what mankind is saved FROM.

      Matt. 12:-31-32"Therefore I am saying to you, EVERY SIN and blasphemy SHALL BE PARDONED men, yet the blasphemy of the spirit shall not be pardoned."

      "And whosoever may be saying a word against the Son of Man, IT WILL BE PARDONED HIM, yet whoever may be saying against the holy spirit, it shall not be pardoned him, neither in THIS age (aion) nor in that age (aion) which is IMPENDING.".

      SO we are saved from our SIN and carnal mind, not a Christian eternal pit of Suffering.

  13. I'm sure L.Ray Smith believed in a very big love of God by the way I read his "lake of fire series'(I only made it to lesson 6 recently) which I haven't seen before. There are also a lot of scriptures which says Jesus saves 'all men' and 'the world'. L.Ray Smith also showed the scripture that goes something like 'no man can come to the Me unless the Father draws him near' does that mean people who never heard of Jesus and had no-choice but to grow up around disgusting sin and to partake of that sin sometimes against their own even though they never heard of Jesus will go to hell?

    And what is a cyber church? Do you win souls for Jesus on the internet?

    Also when I read this--->Have you read "Winning souls for Jesus" in L. Ray Smith's page. Look at this:

    "Shocking as it might sound to most, the Scriptures know nothing of "winning souls for Jesus." (AKA Evangelism) It is a man-made doctrine of the carnal mind.".. I was kinda shocked because I'm sure that Jesus sent His disciples with nothing to preach the Gospel and get them to repent right? Isn't that evangelism? So then that means this is a false teaching against the words and command of Jesus.

    Also nowhere did L.Ray say I must continue sinning because I'm not the best Christian in the world and he did not encourage it by what he wrote on the site from what I read so far.

    South Africa

  14. Josh - your out to lunch on alot. L.Ray believed that salvation came by the grace of God. He believed in justification alone. Where in the bible does it say that we have to believe in the trinity or hell to be saved? Many christians disagree on many doctrines but the disagreement doesn't mean they're not saved.You clearly show your ignorance and clearly have no room for love in your heart. Why don't you study what it means to love God,love your neighbor, love your brother, to love period.It's obvious you've never pursued this greatest of all gifts.

  15. Some people like L. Ray smith who believe that Heaven and Hades are non-physical entities, detached from our mortal world, have likened the story of Lazarus and the rich man to a parable. The implication being that Jesus is describing what Hades might feel like rather than an accurate representation of an actual place. Hades or Sheol we understand is a place for departed souls rather than a place of burial for if this was NOT the case dialogue between Abraham and Lazarus could not have happened.

    But this story is quite different from other parables told by Jesus, not least because here he uses real people. In this story we find reference made to Abraham, Moses, The Prophets, The Rich Man, His Father and his five brothers.

    This is worth noting as in no other parable does Jesus give a characters personal name but instead refers to the character saying ‘a certain man’ or ‘a sower’ etc.

    He also refers to events and places that exist elsewhere in the Bible.

    Interestingly in Luke 16:19 Jesus gives us a startling clue saying the rich man was dressed in purple and fine linen, when we know for a fact that this is how the Sadducees dressed. This is the Priestly Garments as in Exodus 28:8 so, this is the first clue in this puzzle that this rich man was a Sadducee. This was not a descriptive title as in the Good Samaritan Parable.

    This story is the only story told by Jesus that is not referred to as a parable in the Bible. Its worth noting though at this point that a parable by definition is a ‘true to life’ story and so to have meaning it must in essence be a story that could have actually taken place whether it ever did or not.

    Lazarus of course is also the name of the man whom Jesus raises from the dead in the Gospel of John. Scholars do not typically conclude these two men to be one and the same. I believe, however, that this may very well be the case and furthermore that this connection is deliberate and important. Various historical sources indicate that the resurrected Lazarus, brother of Mary Magdalene, travelled across Europe to France and then England following the resurrection of Jesus. Roman-style artwork in several French locations portray Lazarus the beggar becoming Lazarus the apostle.

  16. In the story above, Jesus described how the rich man begs Abraham to send Lazarus to his family, to tell them the truth of Heaven and HADES/HELL. Does it not seem possible or even likely that Jesus would grant the rich man’s wish and return Lazarus to the living in order to do just that?

    It is likely that the five brothers were members of the sect or group of Jews who were active in Ancient Israel during the Second Temple Period that started from the 2nd Century BC through to the destruction of the Temple in 70 AD

    Luke 16:19

    In Luke we have The Rich man and Lazarus account and in John 11 we have the account of the man Lazarus who was raised from the dead by Jesus.

    Here we have two Lazarus’, in 2 gospels and 2 men who are identical, both called Lazarus, both of whom died and both of whom would not convince people by their resurrection.

    In Luke 16:22 Lazarus the beggar dies

    As we read above, the rich man pleads and begs Abraham to send Lazarus to his Fathers house and warn his five brothers. I believe that this is an actual event rather than a parable as through my research I have discovered information that makes mention of them.

    Wikipedia the free enclycopedia gives us this information: Annas who officially served as High Priest for ten years (6–15 AD), when at the age of 36 he was deposed by the procurator Gratus 'for imposing and executing capital sentences.

    This had been forbidden by the imperial government. Yet while having been officially removed from office, he remained as one of the nation's most influential political and social individuals, aided greatly by the use of his five sons and his son-in-law as puppet High Priests

    How interesting is this information. It was Annas who was the head of a powerful high-priestly clan, The Sadducees. It was the family of Annas who were the Sadducees that the rich man in Hades/Hell was begging for Lazarus to go to his 5 brothers and warn them not to come here.

    The Sadducees only held to the ‘Law of Moses’ which is why they were dressed in fine linen. They rejected the traditions of the Pharisees and did not agree with them.

    The Sadducees only accepted the written Torah as the authoritative law and their position as priests gave them authority which they would wield as their source of power.

    They did not believe in the ‘resurrection of the dead’ but believed that a persons soul dies with his body.

    They denied the resurrection of the body in Mat 22:23, Luke 20:27, Acts 4:1-2, 23:8.

    They did not believe in the existence of Angels or Spirits. (Acts 23:8)

    Furthermore, the Sadducees rejected the Oral Law as proposed by the Pharisees.

    According to Josephus, the historian, the Sadducees believed that:
    There is no fate

    God does not commit evil

    Man has free will; “man has the free choice of good or evil”

    The soul is not immortal; there is no afterlife, and there are no rewards or penalties after death.

    Throughout history we see different schools of thought emerging just as in the days of Josephus and one of them is the doctrine of ‘soul sleep’.

    Soul sleep

    Let me now talk to you about something called ‘soul sleep’. It is a belief that many believers both teach and believe today. The basis of it is that when we die we go into sleep mode, we are not aware or conscious during this time and we continue to sleep until Judgment Day.

    Hades is the New Testament equivalent of the Old Testament word Sheol. The Greek and Hebrew words speak of the same place, the present Hell. However, this can be confusing because Sheol has been translated "grave" as often as it has "Hell" and some have mistakenly taught that Sheol and Hades are only references to the grave rather than Hell. Therefore this teaching leads to the denial of the existence of an immediate or present Hell. The false doctrine of soul-sleep, and other ideas that teach the unconscious state of the dead between death and resurrection, spring from this error.

    Read more:

  17. As a Bible student of almost 50 years,and a senior student of linguistics ,I have learnt to hold back from judging and criticizing other Bible students. This is because the Bible is a very deep mine which will take a life time to dig out all its precious gems of Truth. None of us therefore have monopoly of the whole Truth.This is especially that it was originally written mainly in Hebrew and Greek languages, whose exegesis and hermeneutics can be very challenging. This is because of , inter alia, the vast semantic fields from which one must select the correct word in both its co textual and contextual lexical meanings.
    Incidentally, I used to call myself a "Pastor" until I realised from a deeper study of the Scriptures that there is only One Pastor of the Church of Jesus Christ, viz. the Lord Jesus Himself.
    I trust this is helpful.

  18. Let’s look at one of the verses that is commonly used to prove the doctrine of never-ending punishment.
    And the smoke of their torment ascendeth up for ever and ever; and they have no rest day nor night, who worship the beast and his image, and whosoever receiveth the mark of his name. (Rev. 14:11)

    The Greek word translated “forever and ever” is the word “aion” (used twice). There are three problems with the way the King James translates this verse.
    First, if something is “for ever,” why bother adding another “ever?” Are we to think that there is more than one “for ever” or that we have to have an extra “ever” added so we get the point?
    Secondly, both uses of the word “aion” are in the plural form. The problem with this should be obvious to anyone who is honest. Are we to somehow think that there is more than one (plural) eternity? No theologian teaches that and yet there is no doubt that the plural form of “aion” is used in this verse. If the King James translators looked at the tense a bit more carefully, they would have written the above phrase to read “for evers and evers.” This, of course, makes absolutely no sense. However, if we properly interpret “aion” to mean “an indeterminate period of time,” then the verse makes perfect sense. Here is how it should be translated:
    And the smoke of their torment ascendeth up unto ages of ages; and they have no rest day nor night, who worship the beast and his image, and whosoever receiveth the mark of his name. (Rev. 14:11)

    This interpretation helps us understand that “an age” can be a very long time – the length of which is known only to God. However, “a very long time” is NOT “forever and ever.”
    Thirdly, it’s very interesting to note that those who are tormented will have no rest DAY or NIGHT. If this is an eternal state of punishment, why are the terms “day” and “night” used? Day and night were created by God as recorded in the Genesis account. (Eternity is not created – it has always existed). These are terms that designate time, not eternity, and since eternity contains no “day” or “night,” I think it is clear that the word “aion” in Rev. 14:11 cannot mean eternal. The punishment (torment) will continue as long as it takes for God to accomplish His purpose—no more, no less. It does not go on “forever and ever” as boasted by theologians, but it lasts only for the ages.

    1. Pastor Jtaylor, I'm not a follower of Ray Smith and i do not know if UR is true or false doctrine. But I would request to you explain this. In 1 Cor Paul talking about fornication says about that man who had a affair with is farther's wife "To deliver such an one unto Satan for the destruction of the flesh, that the spirit may be saved in the day of the Lord Jesus. How is this possible that such a person's spirit is saved? Dont you think that he should be going to hell?

  19. You are an idiot for speaking about Ray Smith in such a way. You are totally clueless of what you speak!!!!

  20. There were a lot of GOOD things about L.Ray. He was used of God to spread the TRUTH about the lying tithing doctrine. Most legalistic Pharisee tithe collectors make good use of the eternal hell doctrine. Nothing scares big bucks out of poor folks like the fear of burning for all eternity for failure to "submit" to a spiritual abuser (religious vampire) who wants their cash.

  21. Jesus DID warn about unquenchable fire in the Gospels. But I've racked my brain trying to figure out why the hell doctrine isn't mentioned much in the epistles, or throughout most of the Old Testament. Why didn't God mention eternal hell to Cain, the first murderer?

  22. "God loves us by the obedience of His Word. Not everyone will obey His Word, just as Israelites disobeyed His Commandments. God's love is conditional, His judgments are righteous"- Josh Taylor

    That is all I ever needed to read to have no respect or concern with Josh Taylor's teaching. God's love is not "conditional", that contradicts the very nature of the prodigal son; He didn't love his son for returning to him, He always loved him.
    God loves ALL people on Earth, "This is good and acceptable in the sight of God our Savior, who desires all men to be saved and to come to the knowledge of the truth" Tim 2:3-4. How could a God who "loves us by obedience" and who's "love is conditional" desire ALL men to be saved if we are currently in sin and therefore NOT obedient and therefore NOT loved by him?

  23. What happened to Josh. We need to hear from him please!

  24. Ray Smith is absolutely spot on with his teachings. After 20 years of being a solid believer in the second death I have now realized that Ray was absolutely right. I have also realized that there is not a religion in this world that I would accept as even being close to Ray's teachings. I have studied the bible relentlessly trying to disprove what he taught and the facts are that I can to find a single word that would discount his teachings. Ray was clearly guided by Gods spirit. We have all underestimated the wisdom and glory of Jehovah our God. The ONE AND ONLY GOD.

  25. L Ray Smith wasn't right about some things BUT He was spot on about the TITHING LIES taught in the Church today!!!

  26. This comment has been removed by the author.

  27. Bless Ray Smith for living for Christ and preaching the TRUE GOSPEL.
    I pray that heretics like Josh Taylor be given to Satan that they learn not to blaspheme.

    DR.RW Stoufus

  28. Ok so now that I know that this will go through I would like to say that what the Lord revealed to Mr. Smith has released such a heavy burden from my heart. I am on disability for being what was ultimately diagnosed as being schizophrenic. Post dramatic stress caused by horrible childhood experiences and eventually winding up homeless with nothing but the clothes on my back. I came across a Bible though and began to read. To the point I could not stop reading. I must have read the bible in its entirety 10 times a long with reading specific books of the bible somewhat at random but mostly what I felt He wanted me to read. I was homeless and as I read the more I felt I was in the very midst of Jesus and his disciples. At one point I read for three straight days without sleep and barely stopping to eat. Then it happened. The world that I knew was gone literally transformed into a world of the surreal. I still believe to this day that there is a prophecy contained in the book of Isaiah relating to my very birth. After everything I have heard from Mr. Taylor I am in no way ashamed to admit this among you. This "universal reconciliation " to me is nothing more than a label as it should be to all of you. I notice that a label is nothing short of simply putting something in a box and giving it a name to be dissected at a later date. The only reason I even know about it was because I googled whether or not I should have to tithe from my disability check and what God showed Mr. Smith released a burden in my heart and what I felt was the cause of some of my sins. I didn't understand why I had to give a church money that could fix my car and as a delivery driver is very important. Now because of what the Lord revealed through burden Mr. Smith that burden is gone. On top of everything else I was shown I have never felt more free yet even more accountable for my actions. Work out your own salvation with fear and trembling. When I read God is not a respecter of persons the interpretation was a simple one. He loves us all the same it does not matter what it is we do for a living or how special we think we are. Ij his eyes he loves us the same and treats no one differently. Yes many are called and few are chosen is so very true when you consider how many times he physically appeared to someone. There was Jacob and Moses. Can you imagine such an encounter? As far as I know the Lord only showed his face to one man and it was Jacob. And myself. I will not describe what I saw because He is beyond description but I will say he looked Perfect. My heart feels like stone when I think of Him. He saved me from certain death that day this I know for a fact because someone was about to kill me in my sleep but God stopped her. I am uncertain whether the demon I saw was the angel of death or Lucifer himself but the Lord intervened in quite miraculous fashion in only a way He could have. Yet to Him it was as nothing and with the slightest of smiles. He is Love and I now know what he showed Mr. Smith is very much consistent with who He claims to be and His nature. Jesus died for our sins, the only Begotten of the Father and I am sure He did not give us tickets to sin. He died so that we could go to the Father for without the shedding of blood there is no remission of sin. His love is beyond our reach and His understanding is beyond all of our comprehension all put together. This is why I fall to my knees in worship to our Creator who spoke all things into existence. Glory be to God and His Son Jesus Christ forever!

  29. Ok so now that I know that this will go through I would like to say that what the Lord revealed to Mr. Smith has released such a heavy burden from my heart. I am on disability for being what was ultimately diagnosed as being schizophrenic. Post dramatic stress caused by horrible childhood experiences and eventually winding up homeless with nothing but the clothes on my back. I came across a Bible though and began to read. To the point I could not stop reading. I must have read the bible in its entirety 10 times a long with reading specific books of the bible somewhat at random but mostly what I felt He wanted me to read. I was homeless and as I read the more I felt I was in the very midst of Jesus and his disciples. At one point I read for three straight days without sleep and barely stopping to eat. Then it happened. The world that I knew was gone literally transformed into a world of the surreal. I still believe to this day that there is a prophecy contained in the book of Isaiah relating to my very birth. After everything I have heard from Mr. Taylor I am in no way ashamed to admit this among you. This "universal reconciliation " to me is nothing more than a label as it should be to all of you. I notice that a label is nothing short of simply putting something in a box and giving it a name to be dissected at a later date. The only reason I even know about it was because I googled whether or not I should have to tithe from my disability check and what God showed Mr. Smith released a burden in my heart and what I felt was the cause of some of my sins. I didn't understand why I had to give a church money that could fix my car and as a delivery driver is very important. Now because of what the Lord revealed through burden Mr. Smith that burden is gone. On top of everything else I was shown I have never felt more free yet even more accountable for my actions. Work out your own salvation with fear and trembling. When I read God is not a respecter of persons the interpretation was a simple one. He loves us all the same it does not matter what it is we do for a living or how special we think we are. Ij his eyes he loves us the same and treats no one differently. Yes many are called and few are chosen is so very true when you consider how many times he physically appeared to someone. There was Jacob and Moses. Can you imagine such an encounter? As far as I know the Lord only showed his face to one man and it was Jacob. And myself. I will not describe what I saw because He is beyond description but I will say he looked Perfect. My heart feels like stone when I think of Him. He saved me from certain death that day this I know for a fact because someone was about to kill me in my sleep but God stopped her. I am uncertain whether the demon I saw was the angel of death or Lucifer himself but the Lord intervened in quite miraculous fashion in only a way He could have. Yet to Him it was as nothing and with the slightest of smiles. He is Love and I now know what he showed Mr. Smith is very much consistent with who He claims to be and His nature. Jesus died for our sins, the only Begotten of the Father and I am sure He did not give us tickets to sin. He died so that we could go to the Father for without the shedding of blood there is no remission of sin. His love is beyond our reach and His understanding is beyond all of our comprehension all put together. This is why I fall to my knees in worship to our Creator who spoke all things into existence. Glory be to God and His Son Jesus Christ forever!

  30. Ok so now that I know that this will go through I would like to say that what the Lord revealed to Mr. Smith has released such a heavy burden from my heart. I am on disability for being what was ultimately diagnosed as being schizophrenic. Post dramatic stress caused by horrible childhood experiences and eventually winding up homeless with nothing but the clothes on my back. I came across a Bible though and began to read. To the point I could not stop reading. I must have read the bible in its entirety 10 times a long with reading specific books of the bible somewhat at random but mostly what I felt He wanted me to read. I was homeless and as I read the more I felt I was in the very midst of Jesus and his disciples. At one point I read for three straight days without sleep and barely stopping to eat. Then it happened. The world that I knew was gone literally transformed into a world of the surreal. I still believe to this day that there is a prophecy contained in the book of Isaiah relating to my very birth. After everything I have heard from Mr. Taylor I am in no way ashamed to admit this among you. This "universal reconciliation " to me is nothing more than a label as it should be to all of you. I notice that a label is nothing short of simply putting something in a box and giving it a name to be dissected at a later date. The only reason I even know about it was because I googled whether or not I should have to tithe from my disability check and what God showed Mr. Smith released a burden in my heart and what I felt was the cause of some of my sins. I didn't understand why I had to give a church money that could fix my car and as a delivery driver is very important. Now because of what the Lord revealed through burden Mr. Smith that burden is gone. On top of everything else I was shown I have never felt more free yet even more accountable for my actions. Work out your own salvation with fear and trembling. When I read God is not a respecter of persons the interpretation was a simple one. He loves us all the same it does not matter what it is we do for a living or how special we think we are. Ij his eyes he loves us the same and treats no one differently. Yes many are called and few are chosen is so very true when you consider how many times he physically appeared to someone. There was Jacob and Moses. Can you imagine such an encounter? As far as I know the Lord only showed his face to one man and it was Jacob. And myself. I will not describe what I saw because He is beyond description but I will say he looked Perfect. My heart feels like stone when I think of Him. He saved me from certain death that day this I know for a fact because someone was about to kill me in my sleep but God stopped her. I am uncertain whether the demon I saw was the angel of death or Lucifer himself but the Lord intervened in quite miraculous fashion in only a way He could have. Yet to Him it was as nothing and with the slightest of smiles. He is Love and I now know what he showed Mr. Smith is very much consistent with who He claims to be and His nature. Jesus died for our sins, the only Begotten of the Father and I am sure He did not give us tickets to sin. He died so that we could go to the Father for without the shedding of blood there is no remission of sin. His love is beyond our reach and His understanding is beyond all of our comprehension all put together. This is why I fall to my knees in worship to our Creator who spoke all things into existence. Glory be to God and His Son Jesus Christ forever!

  31. I can tell you that I have been on every side over the years. And there is no doubt in my mind that L Ray Smith was very accurate in his understanding of Scripture. He never overlooked or missed a passage. And he was damn right about churches. I had already been saying for a long time that Hell is a man's invention. Just like all the fear mongering media news and movies. Man has always been using fear for personal gain. The churches thrive on it. Take away the fear of Hell and the church just lost more than half of its congregation and donations. Churches are like lawyers and doctors. There are way too many. But the money is too good to pass up the job.

  32. It is very easy to cowardly smear the character of a dead man who cannot defend himself, is it not?

    And yet, "Pastor" Shin Chan; nowhere on your site do you specifically refute ANY of L. Ray Smith's teachings!

    So instead of praying for others to be "saved" from the teachings of universal reconciliation, why don't you do some actual work and prove it false yourself?

    You say that L. Ray Smith is to suffer "endless shame".

    Oh really?

    Show me ONE verse in the entirety of the Bible which proves that any person will suffer "ENDLESS [Eternal] SHAME".

    And NO, the Greek word "AIONIOS" (Matthew 25:46) does NOT mean "eternal". That adjective word is based on the noun AION which means an "age".

  33. I can't believe the hatred Josh seems to have for L. Ray. And he's exuding with self righteousness. I'm sorry, Jsh, but you're going to have to take your lies somewhere else. I thank God for the teachings of L. Ray Smith, for helping to open my eyes to the Truth. Those of us who have found peace and freedom in the ALL-saving power of God never want to go back to the horror and bondage that you teach. I pray God will open your eyes to the Truth of the Gospel and that you will start spreading peace and joy instead of fear and bondage.

  34. I can't believe the hatred Josh seems to have for L. Ray. And he's exuding with self righteousness. I'm sorry, Jsh, but you're going to have to take your lies somewhere else. I thank God for the teachings of L. Ray Smith, for helping to open my eyes to the Truth. Those of us who have found peace and more over shin chan vedios SHIN CHAN CARTOON

  35. Wow, i know this was nearly a decade ago but Josh Taylor you were a bitter and lost individual, i hope now you have found the true 'GOOD news' of the Gospel, its clear to see you lost this debate by a mile.

  36. I haven't read any of Ray Smith's writings but if he condemned the trinity doctrine and the hell doctrine then he had greater spiritual insight than 99% of Christendom.
