Saturday, October 15, 2011

Occupy Wall Street Spreads Globally Leading to a New World Socialist Order

The "Occupy Wall Street" is spreading globally and it's spreading fast. A New World Socialist Order is coming very fast and God's prophetic time clock is speeding rapidly leading to the Second Coming of Jesus.  We now have seen that the protest that started is not by Freedom Fighters, but Left-Wing Socialist Radicals. All that they want is "free" things including health care, but when they succeed they will be betrayed.

The protest is now violent since the time of the Arab Spring and Rome is now in flames. We need to prepare for big persecution. As the Lord Jesus says in Luke 22:53 that this is the hour and the power of darkness. This is all going to lead to the appearance of the Antichrist and the False Prophet, where he force everyone to worship him and take the Mark.

Time is running short. You know that everything in this world is not free, but God's gift is free and that is the gift of salvation. But you must follow God's Word, pray, and do not worry what happens because He is in control.

Please accept God's gift of Salvation by asking Him to pardon your sins through the Blood of His Son Jesus who died on the Cross. And if you did that, you are ready. Be baptized and always follow His Word.

God Bless you and may God be with you.

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